Marianne Maric
Artist / Developed a transdisciplinary practice in which she deconstructs the boundaries of different media / Uses the body as a sculptural weapon / Deconstructs stereotypes / Her works are representative of “Surrealism”
Lives in Mulhouse, France
Femmes Fontaines (2012–2018)
Marianne Maric thematizes what is kown in French as femmes fontaines (women fountains), describing female ejaculation during or before orgasm. The title also alludes to statues of women adorning fountains in public spaces. Far from the Roman splendor of Fellini, Maric uses the Mulhouse streets as a giant studio in which she mixes defiant eroticism and humor in a concrete urban setting. The photographed women misappropriate the fountains, pushing the boundaries of what is accepted behavior in public space, especially by women. The omission of their facial features grants them anonymity and puts emphasis on their bodily pleasure. Female sexuality and pleasure is a subject often disavowed by patriarchy’s attempt to turn them into objects for the male gaze.
#girls #wild #flashing #paris #exposure #b&w #soaked #wet
photos: Nysos Vasilopoulos, 6th Athens Biennale 2018 ANTI
Digital prints, 50 × 70 cm
Courtesy of the artist