Get your limited edition of Ed Fornieles Studios, Crypto Certificates!

Get your limited edition of Ed Fornieles Studios Crypto Certificates produced specifically for the 6th Athens Biennale now! The certificates are attempt to reimagine how the culture of funding in art might work differently. A hybrid between a financial product and an artist print, the certificate formalizes and distills art’s most commercial and speculative qualities into one line of objects, in the hope that another space might open up elsewhere. The Certificate Program is designed to diffuse risk across a large network of support; alleviating the stress often taken on by artists and galleries, which normally stems from a need to overly rely on a small pool of collectors and institutions. The Certificate Program aims to allow artists some semblance of control of their financial destiny, with a product that can exist outside or beside the common economy of the art market. In an article comparing the use of crypto currency and art, the artist Hito Steyerl asks the question “If art is an alternative currency, could these structures be repossessed to work differently?” The Crypto Certificate aims to do exactly that.
Sales will help fund the production of a large scale LARP (live action role-play) as well as the Athens Biennale itself. In collecting these limited edition prints you will also be able to share in the future profits generated from the sale of work.
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