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Δηλώστε συμμετοχή σε εργαστήρια LARP με τον Ed Fornieles και την Nina Runa Essendrop

Ed Fornieles Nina Runa Essendrop LARP workshop at Athens Biennale

Ed Fornieles, artist of the 6th Athens Biennale ANTI, and Nina Runa Essendrop, artist who specializes at LARP (Live Action Role-Playing) games, organize two workshops which need your participation. No acting experience is required, just the willingness to experience a LARP game.

STRANGERS a LARP by Nina Runa Essendrop
Two cultures in neighbouring countries. Not friends and not enemies, each minding their own business. Then catastrophe hits one country, forcing the inhabitants to flee and seek refuge among their foreign neighbours. Strangers is an abstract larp which uses physical methods such as sign language and simple movement routines to create two cultures and the feeling of belonging or not belonging to these. It aims to explore refugees trying to fit in, and the reactions among the people who they try to fit in amongst.

Participants: 8-14 players
Date: Sunday 2 September
Time: 5pm
Address: 7 Pidnas Str, Athens
System: Blackbox LARP
Genre: Drama
Language: English

Free Admission
Book here:

Workshops by Nina Runa Essendrop and Ed Fornieles
From the 3rd-6th September, Ed Fornieles and Nina Runa Essendrop will be running workshops to develop a LARP that will be performed at the Athens Biennale. They are looking for 5-8 participants to experiment with role play over four half days, during these workshops you will develop a character as well as the mechanics that will be used in the final perform in early November. No LARP, role play or acting experience is required, the most important thing is an openness and willingness to participate. Sessions will last roughly half a day but it will not be necessary to attend all slots.

Participants: 5-10 players
Date: Tuesday 4 to Thursday 6 September 2018
Time: 6pm-9pm
Address: 7 Pidnas Str, Athens
System: Workshop LARP development
Genre: Experimental
Language: English

Free Admission
Book here:

Ed Fornieles is a British artist. He creates dynamic funding models based on cryptocurrencies. In his works he uses social media and he presents installations, sculptures and performances. In his performances he often uses live action role play (LARP) with influences from the Internet world.

Nina Runa Essendrop is a Danish LARP designer and artist with a masters degree in Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies. She has a strong focus on movement, sensory experiences and the meaning of physical action. Nina is an active player in the Nordic LARP community. She has designed and produced blackbox LARPs, freeform games, large-scale LARPs, and LARP festivals, and collaborated with artists in both Europe and the United States.