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Tori Wrånes



Creates performances, videos, and sculptures involving trolls and other mythological figures

Tori Wranes, Ældgammel Baby  Ancient Baby, 2017, 6th Athens Biennale 2018 ANTI, photo by Nysos Vasilopoulos
Tori Wranes, Ældgammel Baby  Ancient Baby, 2017, 6th Athens Biennale 2018 ANTI, photo by Nysos Vasilopoulos
Tori Wranes, Ældgammel Baby  Ancient Baby, 2017, 6th Athens Biennale 2018 ANTI, photo by Nysos Vasilopoulos

Ældgammel Baby / Ancient Baby (2017)

Trolls are part of the Norwegian cultural mythos and folklore. In her work, Tori Wrånes devises props such as masks and costumes for trolls, and experiments with movement and tonality of voice to play with and act out suggestive, mythological-utopian, and futuristic identities. Drawing on the magical, dream-like, and absurd, Wrånes creates alternative universes that are equally imaginative and disturbing. At AB6, her Ancient Babies float as videos in the exhibition space, pointing both to a prehistoric past and unsettling ideas of identity and nationhood rooted in mythology and folklore. Instead, Wrånes’s troll babies from a faraway past or distant future symbolize the unrestrained and limitless possibilities.


#troll #ancient #babies #folklore #mythology #magic #futuristic

photos: Nysos Vasilopoulos, 6th Athens Biennale 2018 ANTI

Ældgammel Baby / Ancient Baby, 2017
Video installation,
14', loop
Courtesy of the artist
Made for the exhibition Ældgammel Baby / Ancient Baby at Kunsthal Charlottenborg in Copenhagen, curated by Henriette Bretton-Meyer.

With the support of FilmGEAR, Kameraudlejningen, Nasjonalmuseet – Museet for samtidskunst i Oslo, the Norwegian Embassy in Copenhagen, The Obel Family Foundation, Office for Contemporary Art Norway (OCA), and the Danish Arts Foundation