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Signe Pierce


Multimedia Artist / Reality Artist / Deals with how reality is constructed through techniques of visual manipulation in the age of the digital simulacrum 


Signe Pierce, A glitch in the echo chamber of big sister's cave, 2018, 6th Athens Biennale 2018 ANTI, photo by Nysos Vasilopoulos
Signe Pierce, A glitch in the echo chamber of big sister's cave, 2018, 6th Athens Biennale 2018 ANTI, photo by Nysos Vasilopoulos
Signe Pierce, A glitch in the echo chamber of big sister's cave, 2018, 6th Athens Biennale 2018 ANTI, photo by Nysos Vasilopoulos

A glitch in the echo chamber of big sister's cave (2018)

Signe Pierce explores how social media expand the field of the performative through showcasing everyday life in ways kindred to scripted reality shows such as Keeping Up with the Kardashians. Pierce’s Instagram reality is saturated by explosions of pink, violet, blue, green, and yellow, crafting an idealized / televised version of romance, personal relations, and metropolitan life: a marshmallow world turning toxic. In A glitch in the echo chamber of big sister's cave, Pierce installs an echo chamber, a techno-simulacrum of mediated life in which beliefs are amplified by communication and repetition. Her space is devised as an infinity vortex, an infinite mirroring of the visitor’s selfie that is eventually interrupted by the image of Pierce appearing as a "Big Sister" or a "data dominatrix," bitching herself into the other’s visual territory to rob personal data.


#socialmedia #everydaylife #sweettoxicity #echochamber #selfie #personaldata

photos: Nysos Vasilopoulos, 6th Athens Biennale 2018 ANTI

A glitch in the echo chamber of big sister's cave, 2018
Installation and video performance
Courtesy of the artist and Annka Kultys Gallery
Sat 27 Oct 2018
21:30 - 22:00
A glitch in the echo chamber of big sister’s cave (2018)
Signe Pierce


Signe Pierce explores how social media expand the field of the performative through showcasing everyday life in ways kindred to scripted reality shows such as Keeping Up with the Kardashians. Pierce’s Instagram reality is saturated by explosions of pink, violet, blue, green, and yellow, crafting an idealized / televised version of romance, personal relations, and metropolitan life: a marshmallow world turning toxic. In her performance at AB6, she posits questions regarding gender, identity, sexuality and reality within an increasingly digital world.