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Sascha Jahn & TheBound Collective


Experiments with the dynamics and potentialities of extending the BDSM subculture into the public/urban arena 

  • Switzerland
  • 2016
Sascha Jahn & TheBoundCollective, 6th Athens Biennale 2018 ANTI, photo by Nysos Vasilopoulos
Sascha Jahn & TheBoundCollective, 6th Athens Biennale 2018 ANTI, photo by Nysos Vasilopoulos
Sascha Jahn & TheBoundCollective, 6th Athens Biennale 2018 ANTI, photo by Nysos Vasilopoulos
Sascha Jahn & TheBoundCollective, 6th Athens Biennale 2018 ANTI, photo by Nysos Vasilopoulos

Αισιοδοξία (2018), My pain, your thrill (2018)

Playing with the practice of mummification since 2016, the collective brings the sexual practice of a specific subculture into general public attention. The spectacle of dehumanized mummies serves as a screenshot of a frozen society where beings are deprived of their recognizable features. By developing elaborate methods of mummification, the collective experiments with the subversion of gender-specificity. While a shared sexual energy permeates the collective’s dress code and social interventions, the public mummies highlight the perpetual de-sexualization and normalization of fetishes in the post-Internet world. In Athens, the collective plays with the perception of love in the old age. Couples of different age and sexual orientation are mummified on pedestals and benches.


#mummification #sexuality #subculture #publicattention #gender #normalization #post-internet


photos: Nysos Vasilopoulos, 6th Athens Biennale 2018 ANTI

Αισιοδοξία, 2018
Installation, performance

My pain, your thrill, 2018
Installation, performance

Courtesy of the artists
Fri 26 Oct 2018
20:30 - 23:00
My pain, your thrill (2018)
Sascha Jahn & TheBound Collective

TTT building

The spectacle of dehumanized mummies serves as a screenshot of a frozen society where beings are deprived of their recognizable features. By developing elaborate methods of mummification, the collective experiments with the subversion of gender-specificity. While a shared sexual energy permeates the collective’s dress code and social interventions, the public mummies highlight the perpetual de-sexualization and normalization of fetishes in the post-Internet world. 

Sat 27 Oct 2018
15:30 - 17:00
My pain, your thrill (2018)
Sascha Jahn & TheBound Collective

Syntagma Square / Ermou Street

The spectacle of dehumanized mummies serves as a screenshot of a frozen society where beings are deprived of their recognizable features. By developing elaborate methods of mummification, the collective experiments with the subversion of gender-specificity. While a shared sexual energy permeates the collective’s dress code and social interventions, the public mummies highlight the perpetual de-sexualization and normalization of fetishes in the post-Internet world. 

Sun 28 Oct 2018
16:00 - 18:30
My pain, your thrill (2018)
Sascha Jahn & TheBound Collective

Kolokotroni Square

The spectacle of dehumanized mummies serves as a screenshot of a frozen society where beings are deprived of their recognizable features. By developing elaborate methods of mummification, the collective experiments with the subversion of gender-specificity. While a shared sexual energy permeates the collective’s dress code and social interventions, the public mummies highlight the perpetual de-sexualization and normalization of fetishes in the post-Internet world.