Sarawut Chutiwongpeti
Artist / Focuses on cultural transformation, global mobility and the precarious situation of the neo-nomadic artist / Works with consumer packaging, mainly from food products
Lives in Bangkok, Thailand
Wishes, Lies and Dreams: “Anti-Colonial Power” (2018)
Sarawut Chutiwongpeti’s installations pay tribute to the type of sentimentally unsteady dreams in which reality appears frozen, monumental, and fragile. If you touch something, it may turn into fog. Machines, vehicles, animals, trees, flags—relics of a technological civilization submerged in new ice age. His oneiric series Wishes, Lies and Dreams presents worlds imagined after long travels resulting in disorientation, colored by a transient feeling of nomadic solitude. In Wishes, Lies and Dreams: “Anti-Colonial Power”, a tiger and a hunter freeze in the moment of attack.
#anticolonial #hunter #tiger #instinct #power #utopia #pessimism
photos: Nysos Vasilopoulos, 6th Athens Biennale 2018 ANTI
Courtesy of the artist
With the kind support of The Royal Thai Embassy in Athens
Installation production in collaboration with ASFA students