Quenton Miller
Artist / Writer / Amateur Detective
Investigates means of circulation, often traveling into hidden or virtual spaces
Lives in Rotterdam, Netherlands
Dying Marxists (2018)
When Quenton Miller first published a classified ad in the London Review of Books, it asked readers who considered themselves Marxists and Dying to get in touch with the artist for a film project. The film never happened, but the response to the ad was overwhelming, temporarily turning it into a social media phenomenon. To reach the Athens faction of the Dying Marxists, Miller placed an advertisement in local newspapers and posters in the city, inviting those identifying with the open call for a dinner at an Athens tavern. No members of the public were permitted to attend the meal, merely one journalist who would write about the conversations. The conversations were recorded with audio and might eventually be published. In the meantime, all that remains of the gathering are the classified ads, posters in the exhibition and in public space, a single group photo, and word-of-mouth by those who attended or have a friend of a friend who may or may not have attended.
#death #marx #philosophy #dinner #transcendence #antihumanism
photos: Nysos Vasilopoulos, 6th Athens Biennale 2018 ANTI
Classified ads, posters, and a dinner
Courtesy of the artist