Marilia Stagkouraki
Artist / Her practice is based on painting, drawing, and collage and incorporates mixed media techniques
Lives in London, UK and Athens, Greece
The Golf Book (2018)
A hard-bound manual for playing golf printed in 1931 has been the inspiration, readymade, and canvas for Marilia Stagkouraki’s exhibited piece. This scribbled, pasted, scratched, painted golf book is a fruit of decadence. With its frantically ripped and smeared pornographic magazine pages, The Golf Book looks like a weird, if not creepy, attic finding, a teenager’s journal, a hermit’s companion scrapbook, or a black magic apprentice’s illustrated reader. Stagkouraki’s expressionistic draftsmanship is visible in her alternation of blackened, crossed-out, pages with scripted and collaged papers. The afterimages of the scenes get imprinted on your retina, as they are laid down in their full-frontal, reinvented obscenity, freed from the banality of the genre.
#golf #drawing #porn #blackarts #scrapbook #collage #grrrl #18holes
photos: Nysos Vasilopoulos, 6th Athens Biennale 2018 ANTI
Artist book, reproduction of book
Courtesy of the artist