Lykourgos Porfyris
Artist / Performance art
Interested in raw and disturbing versions of stereotypical identities in mass culture and/or radical movements
Founder at AntiPlay Boy / Member of Performance Art Oslo and Unge Kunstneres Samfund
Lives in Oslo, Norway
Kakurlackó Order: Department of Culture and Heritage (2018)
Lykourgos Porfyris’s Kakurlackó Order: Department of Culture and Heritage focuses on the representation of albinos and albinism in occidental history and contemporary pop culture. From the era of colonialism and witch hunts to contemporary culture industry (e.g. The Da Vinci Code book and film), albinism is felt as ominous, obscure, supernatural, demonic. Recent attempts to de-stigmatize albinism by adopting images of albinos in marketing campaigns contribute to a fetishistic objectification of albino "whiteness." Drawing upon his personal research and experience as an albino, Porfyris comes to terms with processes of demonization / fetishization by iterating, synthetizing, and narrativizing the unknown story of albinism. The Department of Culture and Heritage belongs to a medieval monastic albino order, a hunted Gnostic herecy. The Department presents unseen, undocumented paintings by medieval albino monks, secretly preserved scriptures, engravings, and albino psalms testifying to the quieted history of albinism.
#albinism #colonialism #popculture #objectification #demonization #fetishization
photos: Nysos Vasilopoulos, 6th Athens Biennale 2018 ANTI
Mixed media installation
Un homme blanc étrange, 2018
Woodcut, 35 × 25 cm
Kakurlackó Sabbat, 2018
Woodcut, 25 × 35 cm
The Night Falls / The Day Thrives, 2018
Woodcut, 25 × 35 cm
Le Rituel Cathare d’Albi (The Cathar Ritual of Albi), 2018
Woodcut, 50 × 30 cm
Agnus Dei, 2018
Oil on canvas, 50 × 70 cm
Courtesy of the artist
New production for the 6th Athens Biennale
With the kind support of NBK (Norske Billedkunstnere) and the Office for Contemporary Art Norway (OCA)