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Lu Yang


Artist / Multimedia projects / Internet celebration / Liberated identities from nationality, gender, sexuality / Saturated with manga and anime, religion, neurology, and the human body 

 Lu Yang, TMS Exorcism, 2017, 6th Athens Biennale 2018 ANTI, photo Nysos Vasilopoulos
 Lu Yang, TMS Exorcism, 2017, 6th Athens Biennale 2018 ANTI, photo Nysos Vasilopoulos
 Lu Yang, TMS Exorcism, 2017, 6th Athens Biennale 2018 ANTI, photo Nysos Vasilopoulos

TMS Exorcism (2017)

Buddhist deities, manga and anime figures, pop icons, gaming subcultures, and advertisements comprise the frenetic world of Lu Yang. Her hybrid total installations are designed as syncretic temples for meditation, delusion, consumption, and neuroscience, providing physical space to think the tension and continuity between the online and the offline versions of the self. In TMS Exorcism, a person is subjected to a magnetic method of stimulation of particular regions of the brain. Celebrating neuroscience and psychology as gaming cultures, the pseudoscientific exorcism soon changes into a music video. Music genres continuously shift to indulge into a speculative overlap between science, totemic worship, and pop culture.


#neuroscience #psychology #gaming #musicvideo #popculture

photos: Nysos Vasilopoulos, 6th Athens Biennale 2018 ANTI

TMS Exorcism, 2017
Video installation, 15'35''
Courtesy of the artist and Asia Artists Rights Management LLC