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Loukia Alavanou


Visual artist / Filmmaker / Collaged fragments of found cinematic sources are interwoven with her own film sequences

Explores the film’s influence on the formation and structuring of memory / Focuses on the feminine voice or indeed its absence in cinema

Loukia Alavanou, New Horizons – Pilot, 2018, 6th Athens Biennale 2018 ANTI, photo by Nysos Vasilopoulos
Loukia Alavanou, New Horizons – Pilot, 2018, 6th Athens Biennale 2018 ANTI, photo by Nysos Vasilopoulos

New Horizons – Pilot (2018)

Αn imaginary documentary, an absurd, futuristic journey into a late-capitalist Athenian dumpsite where animals occupy the wrong spaces, institutionalized men wear their work uniforms after the institutions have failed, and wild birds in cages perform Stalinist trials. Alavanou takes as a starting point the futuristic film To New Horizons presented in the Futurama exhibition, at the 1939–40 New York World’s Fair. Her pilot project includes dystopic Modern Greek industrial landscapes in the periphery of Athens, such as a derelict oil factory in the outskirts of Attica or the abandoned Hellinikon airport. The allegorical use of animals, inspired by Goya’s depictions of birds in Disasters of War, serves as a metaphor for the refugee camps / prisons such as the one that recently occupied Hellinikon, restricting movement as opposed to the open spaces that the 1940 Futurama film envisioned the future to look like.


#future #horizons #environment #virtualreality #Athens #dystopian #refugees

photos: Nysos Vasilopoulos, 6th Athens Biennale 2018 ANTI

New Horizons - Pilot, 2018
VR180 HD film with stereo sound, 9'
Courtesy: Onassis Collection
Commissioned and produced by Onassis Culture