Lauren Wy
Artist / Northwestern MFA 2020
Interested in identity and self-presentation as they relate to power relationships, cult and tribal grouping, femme presentation, ritual and the solipsistic need to touch each other
Lives in Chicago, USA
Series of drawings (2016-2018)
Lauren Wy is using the modest material of crayon on paper of an equally modest scale in order to unfold personal stories of the most intimate nature. In her stories, affection is turned into submission and tenderness into dominance. Foreplay and cuddling, groups lounging after intercourse, alternate with masochistic games and orgies. The naked bodies in extreme bright colors, without inhibitions, playful, content. At the same time, these mute characters seem dangerous in the extreme acting out of their fantasies and in their obliviousness of the surrounding conservative ambience, as they lay, insulated in their capsule world. Are we voyeurs peeping into Wy’s cult, into her mind games, or both? Is it a pan-hedonistic secret community we are witnessing or a disclosed treasury of repressed fantasies?
#fantasy #sm #sex #submission #ritual #secret #expressionism #actout
photos: Nysos Vasilopoulos, 6th Athens Biennale 2018 ANTI
Shapeshifters, 2018
Oil crayon on paper,
24.13 × 33 cm
Caleb, 2018
Oil crayon on
hand dyed paper,
27.94 × 38.1 cm
Courtesy of the artist