Laboratory for Microclimates
Art initiative of artist Annechien Meier and filmmaker/conceptual designer Gert-Jan Gerlach
Interested in raising awareness of urban agriculture from a climate perspective / stimulating consciousness, participation and control in social and ecological surroundings
Based in Netherlands
Microclimatic Heat Shelter (2018)
Laboratory for Microclimates (LfM) realizes art and film projects focused on social and ecological microclimates, aiming to raise awareness of urban agriculture. In 2017, LfM started researching the effects of climate change in Athens by looking into aspects such as temperature, wind, water, and vegetation as well as social and urban structures. In order to address the “Athenian climatic condition,” LfM built for AB6 the Microclimatic Heat Shelter, a mobile shelter which provides a cool microclimate and also functions as a social microclimate where people can meet up, relax, and inspire each other to change their personal environment into a more pleasant and climate-proof environment. The installation tackles one of today’s major challenges—ecological destruction—which forms part of many of the discomforts we experience today, the effects of which will only increase in the future.
#ecology #climatechange #urbanagriculture #personal environment #publicspace
photos: Nysos Vasilopoulos, 6th Athens Biennale 2018 ANTI
Baggage trailer, metal frame, wool, plywood, video
Courtesy of the artists
With the kind support of the European Cultural Foundation