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Joy Kolaitis


Performs as her alter ego, Anna Goula

Pop idol / Turbofolk singer

Exposes current Greek politics, lifestyle, and the dominant media industry

  • Based in Athens, Greece
Joy Kolaitis, Anna Goula - Dreams remained dreams, 2018, 6th Athens Biennale 2018 ANTI, photo by Nysos Vasilopoulos
Joy Kolaitis, Anna Goula - Dreams remained dreams, 2018, 6th Athens Biennale 2018 ANTI, photo by Nysos Vasilopoulos
Joy Kolaitis, Anna Goula - Disco Halkoutsi, 2018, 6th Athens Biennale 2018 ANTI, photo by Nysos Vasilopoulos

Anna Goula - Dreams remained dreams (2018), Anna Goula - Disco Halkoutsi (2018), Kala Christougena Malaka (2017), Τα πίνω όλα (2007), Γαλάζιο και Λευκό (2007)

Anna Goula is a pop idol created and impersonated by the artist Joy Kolaitis. Pioneering in the local turbofolk music scene (skyladiko), Anna Goula is the spawn of democratic integralism, mass cultural participation, and economic optimism in Greek society since the 1980s. The acoustic image of her alias translates to nausea. Trashy love affairs, the acropolis, show biz magazine aesthetics, recent kitsch in architecture and design, and Anna’s presence protagonize in this well-orchestrated mimicry of the horizontal appeal and re-invention of “tradition” in late 20th-century Greek society. By deepening trash aesthetics to render them indulging, Anna Goula’s music videos, interviews, and public performances pursue a feminist reworking of social normality. By overflowing the local/patriarchal vision with an unbearable pastiche of its own idols, Anna Goula glitches Greek societal structures such as the family, the community, and the ethos of newly rich strata, jeopardized by the financial crisis.


#alterego #greeksociety #pastiche #trash #kitsch #feminism #sexuality


photos: Nysos Vasilopoulos, 6th Athens Biennale 2018 ANTI

Anna Goula - Dreams remained dreams, 2018
Performance / concert

Anna Goula - Disco Halkoutsi, 2018
Performance / concert

Kala Christougena Malaka (Merry Christmas Malakas), 2017
Video, 6'0''
Starring: Anna Goula

Τα πίνω όλα (I drink it all), 2017
Video, 5'10''
Starring: Anna Goula

Γαλάζιο και Λευκό (Light Blue and White), 2007
Video, 3'54″
Starring: Anna Goula

Courtesy of the artist
Sat 27 Oct 2018
22:00 - 22:30
Disco Halkoutsi (2018)
Joy Kolaitis


Anna Goula is a pop idol created and impersonated by the artist Joy Kolaitis. The acoustic image of her alias translates to nausea. By deepening trash aesthetics to render them indulging, Anna Goula’s music videos, interviews, and public performances pursue a feminist reworking of social normality. By overflowing the local/patriarchal vision with an unbearable pastiche of its own idols, Anna Goula glitches Greek societal structures such as the family, the community, and the ethos of newly rich strata, jeopardized by the financial crisis.


Sat 08 Dec 2018
22:00 - 23:00
Dreams remained dreams (2018)
Joy Kolaitis

Esperia Palace > Ground floor

In this work (performance) the visual artist Joy Kolaitis attempts–through her alter-ego Anna Goula–to bridge the past and the present of the turbo-folk and the bourgeois, the fringe and the elit. 


A music performance with the essence of tzatziki. 


Inception, texts, song-covers, direction: Joy Kolaitis
Piano: Kotsos Davidoff
Performer: Anna Goula, Smaragda