Fei Liu
Designer / Artist / Writer / DJ / Adjunct professor at Parsons MFA Design and Technology / Exploring digital empathy and the narrative potential of interfaces
Lives in New York, USA
Pepe the Sad Frog Coloring Book and Chinese Learning Guide (2017)
Fei Liu appropriates technology, robotics, techniques, and graphic design to manipulate their binary inception. Hacking into the relationship between a robot and a human, Liu offers the audience the means to re-program it against biased principles of male pleasure. Using open source technology, Liu organizes workshops offering tools to design social behaviors into robotics. In her Pepe The Sad Frog Coloring Book and Chinese Learning Guide, Liu designs a coloring-book zine adopting the "Pepe the frog" meme, an icon of reactionary alt-right trolling, which has been declared a hate symbol by the Anti-Defamation League, to turn Pepe into an open code and reappropriate it for progressive, cross-cultural, and intergenerational communication.
#pepethefrog #meme #opensource #zine#alt-right #crosscultural #trolling
photos: Nysos Vasilopoulos, 6th Athens Biennale 2018 ANTI
Zine, 22 × 14 cm
Courtesy of the artist