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Euripides Laskaridis / Osmosis


Performer / Stage director / Short-filmmaker 

Artistic identity: ridicule and transformation 

Founder of the Osmosis / A 2016 Pina Bausch Fellow 

Euripides Laskaridis, thirío, 2018, 6th Athens Biennale 2018 ANTI, photo by Nysos Vasilopoulos
Euripides Laskaridis, thirío, 2018, 6th Athens Biennale 2018 ANTI, photo by Nysos Vasilopoulos
Euripides Laskaridis, thirío, 2018, 6th Athens Biennale 2018 ANTI, photo by Nysos Vasilopoulos

thirío (2018)

Euripides Laskaridis slips between theater, dance, and performance, resisting the shelters of professionalization. Its impersonations of mutated bodies inhabit artificial worlds: Fellinian universes of self-love and ridicule. Laskaridis crafts a persona to haunt the venue of AB6. It proceeds to the site/context-specific development of a character trapped in the exhibition’s building, confronted with fantasies, ambitions, fears—trying to offer elaborate answers to so many evasive layers of its desire. Contemporary art inflates in its head. It wants to be loved by the art crowd but it victimizes itself thinking it is hated. It designs its own opening and closing ceremony. It opens its own studio/workshop in the building and attends discussions and events. It is materialized through moments of self-vanishing.


#haunted #trapped #persona #loved #victim


photos: Nysos Vasilopoulos, 6th Athens Biennale 2018 ANTI

thirío, 2018
Performance, installation
Courtesy of the artist

thirío /θiː'riːɒ/ Greek noun, gender non-specific:
1. A blood thirsty animal (beast). 2. A monstrously naughty child (beastie). 3. A cruel and savage human (brute). 4. A truly ginormous being (behemoth). 5. A fiercely ambitious go-getter (eager beaver). 6. Someone devilishly good at something (badass).