Dorota Gawęda and Eglė Kulbokaitė
YGRG 159: SULK (2018)
Young Girl Reading Group is a project initiated by Dorota Gawęda and Eglė Kulbokaitė in 2013. Growing out of a weekly nomadic event, YGRG was formed in order to read aloud, to share text collectively as an alternative to solitary reading, and to consider what constitutes a voice in today’s world of social media influencer culture and all-encompassing capital. YGRG is a performative framework, investigating the act of reading as an intimate experience and holding the potentiality to become public performance through the “outlouding” of words. With their new piece YGRG 159: SULK, Gawęda and Kulbokaitė create a fictive, mediated sci-fi like environment that builds on the historical space of the boudoir that is re-formatted for the purpose of creating queer intimacy. Readers are placed in casual lounging positions, bringing to mind bodies hanging out in bedrooms. What’s produced is a sense of girl-on-the-Internet catharsis as feminist theory rubs against "girlish" reading practices, signaling a move towards de-institutionalizing the texts YGRG works with. Here, meaning is growing out of reading and extending to the non-organic world through smell, vision, and touch.
#younggirlreadinggroup #ygrg #reading #feminist #nomadic #together #theory #fiction #ygrgsulk #ygrg159 #outlouding
photos: Nysos Vasilopoulos, 6th Athens Biennale 2018 ANTI
Performance and installation
Courtesy of the artists
With the kind support of Pro-Helvetia